WHY NOT?? (2022 in Review)

4 min readJan 5, 2022


I sat idly as I did throughout most of December and read you people’s 2021 in review, and I tasted shame, shock, pride, jealousy, and excitement all at once in my mouth.

I went from “ omg!! so happy for you,” to “ wow, I’m so proud of you,” to “ this guy e don do you na,” to “ this morrafucker is just a bloody show off” to “ omo this guy na my mate o,” to “fuk what am I doing with my life.”

The oppression was real mehn, and in response, I have just two things to say:

1. I will have to write a petition to the Heavens or whichever Angel is in charge of time. I know my right, and I know I’ve been cheated, it’s either they gave these people more, or they gave me less, kent be the same 24 hours dem give us.

2. I just want to put this out there “I don mark all of una face oo.” if I catch any of you posting memes about Sapa or God when I’m definitely calling Secret Service on y’all straight because you’re a terrorist and a danger to the society. So please let’s all be guided in this is a New Year.

I had plans to do my own year in review, but between the intense chokehold of procrastination and my sifia lack of motivation, I didn’t do it. Ironically this statement is the perfect summary of my 2021. Instead of boring you guys with paragraph after paragraph, I’ve distilled my 2021 into one sentence.

I made friends last year, I joined AIESEC (best decision I’ve made in years), I got my highest GPA ever, I found love…. nope, I didn’t, I applied for jobs at 20 different Ad Agencies, and they all offered me jobs…… nope, I got aired by 19 of them and aired eventually by the one that didn’t air me.

In all, 2021 wasn’t the most eventful year for me. Still, someday in the near future, when I’m done writing my Autobiography or Memoir about the magnificent life I’ve lived, there’s a chance I might name the book “2021” ( you can pre-order your copies now while it’s still 5k).

Why 2021? Because 2021 was the year I attempted to be just a little bit intentional about my life, and it was one hell of a Wake-up call, I caught a glimpse of my potential and capabilities and now I can’t unsee it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens of Nigeria and residents of this God-forsaken planet, it brings me great pleasure to announce to you all:


In other words, E don be for una.

Now to the main reason I’m here, My New Year Resolutions or rather my 2022 in Review:

2022 was one hell of a Year, but so far, it’s been my best year ever; this year was my year of doings. I tried out many new things this year, and needless to say, I failed a lot, I learned a lot, and I grew a lot. I put myself out there and got lots of big and small jobs.

My writing improved soo much this year; safe to say, Shakespeare and Dickens have got nothing on me. My writings got published by magazines, and my blog subscribers skyrocketed.

I applied to many marketing agencies for copywriting and content creation jobs, and I got them all…… I got some. I started my podcast this year, and it’s been quite fun.

I went out of my way to make lots of amazing friends this year, and I tried my best to be more intentional about being a better friend. Did I find love this year? I can’t lie, I chop breakfast die this year but whether I found love or not is none of ya business.

I read at least 36 books this year, and my CGPA is at an all-time high. I travelled to three different states. I went out a lot this year, not as much as I would have loved to, but I tried. This year I grew more into myself as an individual with personal thoughts, opinions, and values.

A lot of great things happened to me this year. Still, I’m most proud of two things: The first is my phenomenal growth in Discipline, and the second is how I was more intentional about owning my experience.

THIS YEAR, everything I did was built around a single theme: WHY NOT?

It was quite a long year but above all, this was my best year yet.

Hello Everyone, My name is Okikijesu, and Sure as hell know what I’m doing here.


Originally published at http://saferoom940581175.wordpress.com on January 5, 2022.

